Tuesday, October 9, 2012





I agree it is hard, but it's so worth it. I made a HUGE step this weekend. I carried a weight

 around for over a year that i released this weekend. Conquered a fear of forgiving and being 

in the same room as someone. It was so tough, and my anxiety was through the roof, but i 

am happy i did it. And remember....forgiving doesn't always mean you let these people back 

into your life. In fact sometimes you don't even have to tell them directly that you forgive 

them, sometimes its solely between you and God. Forgiveness isn't about releasing the other

 person from their faults, and the things they did to you,or saying "it's ok that you hurt me"

it's never ok to hurt someone. Forgiveness is about releasing the burden of carrying their

 wrong doings around with you. It's kicking them outta the space they were renting

( RENT FREE BY THE WAY!)  in your mind. Most of the time the person who was hurt 

cares way more, and longer than the person who hurt you. They go on with life, and we get   

held like a prisoner of their wrong doings. Forgiveness is taking our pain and giving it to God. 

We can pray this prayer:

Father God I come before you humbly, and thankful for my blessings. Today is my day to

 unload this junk I've been carrying with me. God here it is, all they have done 

( which He already knows by the way) Lord please take it 

from me, and release me from this pain, and constant though of hurt. Lord i right now forgive 

( name of person) because i know i am forgiven of my wrong doings. Lord please heal me. In 

Jesus's name. Amen. ♥

Sometimes it feels better when you go into detail with God about the wrong doings they have

done. It's a painful release at times, but in the end so worth it. I pray for each and every one

 of you on your road to healing, and forgiveness. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Righteousness VS. the law PT 1

A few weeks ago i saw Creflo Dollar preach live in Boston Ma. It was seriously a life changing experience for me. So today i went online, and started listening to a series called Righteousness VS. the law. 
( Click the link below to watch the sermon. )

We are no longer prisoners of sin, but now servants of righteousness!!!! Amen :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A FREE Gift!!!!

What if i were to tell you that you can have a FREE gift. Most would say if it's free it's for me. :) Ah yes, BUT what if this gift was worth more than all the money in the whole world, and there was no way you could buy it or earn it, it was just 100 % FREE. You would be eager to know more right? Today I am going to tell you about this free gift. It is the gift that comes along with believing in Jesus Christ. You see in Genesis we read how Adam and Eve sinned by eating the apple in the garden of Eden. From that point on we were all deemed "sinners". Now you don't have to do anything to become a sinner except be born. God didn't want things this way though, so He sent His son Jesus Christ to earth to take on all of the sin of the world. Jesus was brutally beaten, and whipped. Jesus himself had not sinned, but He took on our sin. He was crucified on the cross, and died for OUR sins! From that point on whom ever believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior was given a FREE gift. This free gift is the Righteousness of God. Yes, was an AMAZING gift... one we don't deserve but is given to us for FREE!

     So let me explain this a little more...Because of one man we were deemed sinners, and because of one man we were deemed Righteous. There is no amount of money, no good deed, nothing that can get you this gift EXCEPT through Jesus Christ. Now with this free gift you now walk in this life as the Righteousness of God. Though you still sin, nothing can change your status as Righteous. That doesn't mean this is a free card to sin as much as you want. When you become righteous you will find yourself wanting to make better choices. Whenever you find yourself in a situation that you feel weak say out loud " I am the Righteousness of God" Keep saying it over and over again, Confess it and soon you will see sin flee.
 Some scripture to look up on this subject:
* Romans 3:20, 3:21, 4:1, 4:2, 5:12
* Galatians 2:16, 3:19
* Exodus 20 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Too much of a sinner? Sin VS. God's Grace

As as i was writing in my journal and reflecting this morning I thought to myself we are all sinners, but that doesn't mean we can't make a positive impact on this world! The truth is we are ALL sinners, perhaps we don't sin the same ways but we still all sin. There is no way around that. Praise the Lord for Jesus Christ, for He died for our sins. God's grace is AMAZING!!! Now that being said:

I think about the times when satan creeps in and whispers lies to us. Tells us we are not good enough, and nobody will ever really love us. He tells us we will never succeed, but always fail so why try, that we are too much of a sinner to do good in this world, that we could never bring about a positive change. All those lies, they can really bring you down. In fact if you believe those lies you can find your self feeling helpless, and depressed really fast. I am here to bring you truth today though.

Forgiveness Illustration
God is Not Mad at You

How simple it is to just ask God to forgive you for your sins.
You can't make your way to heaven by doing good works.
Good works should be a result of giving your heart to Jesus, not an effort just to be good enough to go to heaven.
When we do go to the Father for forgiveness, we're covered by Jesus' crucifixion.
Jesus took sin, sickness, disease, hell, fear, poverty, death, punishment and the grave all to the cross.
When God forgives you, He takes your sins and tosses them into the deepest part of the sea, never to be remembered again.It's interesting to note the little demon trying to tell the man that his sins are so bad that God would never forgive him. This is totally the wrong attitude. You're not going to surprise God with all your hidden sins, He already knows about them. So why not clean the slate and ask Him to forgive you?

I saw this and thought WOW what a great visual in the whole learning how God forgives us, but satan tries to keep us in destructive cycles. The TRUTH is that through Jesus God has given us the power to break destructive cycles, and allows us to bring good, do good, and bring positive changes for ourselves and others. REMEMBER IT IS ALL FOR GOD'S GLORY!!! We must give God the credit for everything, alone we could NEVER accomplish this. It is by God's grace alone that we are able and equipped.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A great event: United Night Of Worship Boston 2012

CLICK THIS LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO!!! ----------> united night of worship

This is sure to be an amazing time. Come join us at the 2012 Boston night of worship!!! 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Relay for Life Central Ma.

Hello Everyone, This upcoming weekend my family is walking in the Relay for life event. Our team is "Soul Providers", and we will also be in the Prayer Tent! 

Event Details12012 Relay For Life of Central South County
Event Date: September-7-8
Event Time: 5:00PM
Event Location: Lemansky Park
Why I Relay

My Reason to Relay
January 14, 2010 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma which is a cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell normally responsible for the production of antibodies. Collections of abnormal cells accumulate in bones, where they cause bone lesions (abnormal areas of tissue), and in the bone marrow where they interfere with the production of normal blood cells. The disease develops in 1?4 per 100,000 people per year. It is more common in men, and is twice as common in blacks as it is in whites. With conventional treatment, the prognosis is 3-4 years, which may be extended to 5-7 years or longer with advanced treatments. Multiple myeloma is the second most common hematological malignancy (13%) and constitutes 1% of all cancers. There are approximately 45,000 people in the United States living with multiple myeloma, and the American Cancer Society estimates that approximately 14,600 new cases of myeloma are diagnosed each year in the United States. My daughter was 2 years old at the time, and all i could think about was her. The cancer was confirmed 4 different times. One doctor said he believed I would not live more than a year. I remember my mom there with me, and her saying No God is going to heal my daughter. I went to my moms church one Sunday and they laid hands on me and prayed. The following day I went to see another doctor and THEY COULD NOT FIND THE CANCER ANYMORE!!!!! My mom cried and said your may not believe this but God healed my daughter. Since then i have been monitored and re-checked every three months and STILL NO CANCER! I did however have a mass in my left breast and was told I had breast cancer. Same thing The power of prayer baby! Hands laid, Prayers Prayed, God Healed me from the crown of my head to the souls of my feet. Praise God! You will be able to find me in the prayer tent @ the relay for life this September 7-8th in Auburn Ma. So blessed to be alive, August 23rd 2012 we celebrated my daughter's 5th birthday! So thankful to be able to be a part of this beautiful little girls life. Praise God!!!! My daughter def. has an amazing gift from God. She has the gift of "healing hands". She is going to be in the prayer tent with me and readily available to lay hand and pray over anyone who would like prayer. On top of my own experience with cancer I have had 3 grandparent pass away from the disease. Breast Cancer (Grandma Rose) Lung Cancer( Grandpa Geer), and Leukemia (Pa) This cause is VERY close to my heart. Please show your support! Thanks & God Bless!

This is my beautiful daughter and myself. She is such a blessing!!! 

This picture was from the Relay for Life event last year( 2011) 

This event is super important to our family & we would LOVE your support!!!! You can follow the link below if you would like to donate to our team.

Thanks so much & God Bless! 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Relationship issue's????? Part three: Our children

When it comes to our children we enter into a whole new relationship. Our love burst open, and the bond between parent and child is unlike any other. I want to first point out that this is how God feels about us. We are all His children.

Galatians 3:26 NLT "For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus." 

 Romans 8:16 NIV  "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children" 

He looks at us with loving eye's and want to care for us, just as we care for our children. Here is some scripture to get you started on this unique parent/ child relationship.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go;
 even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Deuteronomy 6:7  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 

We must always remember that we are human, and we are not without faults. There are times we are going to "mess us" in life, even in our parenting. By learning about what God wants, and expects from us will help us along the way though.

Our children learn from what we teach them, and how we live. Being a parent is a huge responsibility, that some take too lightly. Each parent has an important role in the child life.
Recently I read an article about this subject online at DesiringGod.org Here is the article below, and the link address if you want more info. http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/ask-pastor-john/do-fathers-and-mothers-have-different-roles-in-parenting
It's interesting that in Ephesians 6 Paul says, "Children, obey your parents," not just your dad. And then it gets to fathers and says, "Fathers, bring your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." So I think there is a "both/and" in the Bible. Both mom and dad are responsible to give commandments and give teachings. The book of Proverbs talks about the teaching of a mother as well as of a father, so a parental team confronts this child with the will of God and with godliness.
But fathers bear a unique responsibility. Fathers are given a unique responsibility in the marriage to lead, protect and provide for a wife, those three things. And the children are watching this, and they know that a special role is given to dad.
And when it comes to discipline of the children, the way that this uniqueness comes out is that dad assumes the buckstopping, initiative-taking role. A child ought not to see that mom is always the initiator of discipline or devotions or of special family activities. That's going to breed into a child a sense that their dad doesn't get it, or is weak, or is not the spiritual leader that he ought to be. Dad, while not doing all the devotions or discipline or leading, is supposed to be the initiator and buckstopper.
So I sometimes say to couples, "Who says 'let's' more often in your family? Let's get to church on time. Let's eat out today. Let's talk about the finances in this marriage." And if the wife is always having to say, "Let's have devotions, let's discipline the children better, let's go to worship," and the dad is always responding or is always recalcitrant, then something is amiss there.
A wife loves to have a husband, not who domineers or does everything, but who takes creative initiative. And if there is crisis with the kids or with the finances, he says, "Let's talk." And then he wants to hear what she says. Now she may have greater wisdom on the issue than he does, but he takes the initiative to get it done.
So there is a unique role for fathers, and yet the teamwork is essential.
However, I back off a little on essential to say for single moms and single dads that God can take an imperfect situation and provide that essential component so that the kids can grow up in a wonderful way.
In fact, I just had dinner with a single dad and his two sons about three weeks ago, and I just stood in awe. I didn't probe into what had happened—she had been gone a long time, and it wasn't a death, so there is obviously some crisis there. But I looked at these two boys, one in college and one just finished with college, and thought, "This dad has done something really good here." God can make the difference.